01 Krásná Lípa - The House of Czech Switzerland
tourist information, books, maps, guide services
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bicycle route through the center of the National Park Czech Switzerland, part of the route on German territory by the village Hinterhermsdorf
tourist information, books, maps, guide services
last pub before entering the rocks
steep stairs and paths in the sandstone rock town, prospects. Very nice location.
Zadní Doubice, demolished village on the river Křinice
church in a nice location with outlook, interesting memorial of the 1st World War
Heimatmuseum "Waldarbeiterstube"
demolished village on the Czech-German border
restaurants and accommodation at beautiful location among the sandstone rocks
ruins of a water mill at wild stream
Museum of the WWII concentration camp and the underground aircraft factory Rabstejn
Muzeum koncentračního tábora, podzemní letecká továrna z II. světové války. Celý areál je průjezdný až k další silnici.
Gothic-Renaissance fortress interior, old bridge
in a glass tower
a significant landmark in the Saxon Renaissance style
place of imprisonment of writer Karl May
bicycle shop, bike service and bike rental with the option of returning the bicycle at the other shop in Decin
gothic church, old cemetery
campsite on Elbe Cycle Path targeted mainly on cyclists , caravans possible
very nice view from the bottom of the rock canyon of Labe river, climbing community, ferry. Overall a very interesting place.